Time Is a Force

So I was  listening to a mentor of mine,  he was discussing the impossibility of time travel.  While he ascribes to the single state, one universal now model of reality he used it as the reason for why time travel is impossible.

His logic being since  we exist in the one constant state of now, therefore there cannot be a real past or real future to travel to as it either no longer exists or it has not happened yet.  From a simplified logic point that is correct. However what is failing to take into account is that once you are there it is your now.  

What you may ask of the rest of reality?

It is there to meet you, you have merely skipped along a bit to simplify. The self correcting timeline reincorporates you as it is want to do. it would pull you back to where you are supposed to be however it uses less energy to incorporate you into the advanced timeline then to self correct you to your point of origin.  

You can show this using modern methods.  For eg. when  excess energy is applied via say speed an object can be measured to advance  slower in physical real time than an exact control counterpart here on earth.  Now applying a compounding effect with gravity or magnetism, you should be able to wave curve skip to the next  wave rather than return to your actual physical time.

Reversing polarity and the negative energy for the input should naturally allow for reverse time travel.  

I think that there would be observable or at least predictable patterns in the skip.  It should follow a Fibonacci sequence.

If you travel in time you are not making an impossible moment in now, you are only making tommorrows’s now, NOW for you.

One other thing, I actually happened upon an online discussion of Impossible Space.  To be sure, it was interesting to read, however in my graphic I chose yellow because it was pleasing and offered an excellent contrast. Not because there is any colour in impossible space. Ironically when I corrected those in the forum, they called me an idiot and  liar.  Whatever.

In addition I watched a movie recently for the 1st time.  This Marvel movie talks about an energy source called the Tesseract. Seriously?  That’s what the commentors where talking about? You based your logic and theories on mass marketed fiction?  This is the same basis for multiverse theory.  We all watched the same sci-fi years ago, but it has entranced several generations.   Thought imprinting has maybe done more harm to modern science than the Spanish Inquisition.

So after this was published, I saw and read online a cute little article that made use of this stuff.  The final conclusion of the the author was severely in error.

September 14th 2023  I do not normally put dates on here, however as this is a supplement to finally address   what was posted in January I feel that I should.

Without Time you have only mass and ZERO action or reaction. However when you manipulate the forces of equilibrium that essentially congeal our reality in our ever-present now you can find other levels of equilibrium or dimensions.   The self correcting model ensures that they exist however not exactly beside so to speak.  If the nature of the change is very slight from the differing dimensions then it will naturally be corrected into the most stable dimension it is closer in nature to.  These parallel natures can be both more complex or less complex than our own , owing to the way their reality is expressed by its stabilized form with its different aspects and characteristics.  

For eg. Here you have a simple acetaminophen tablet, in a lesser dimension it may be inert.  In a higher dimension it may be acetaminophen as well as cyanide and a battery. This is not a concern for us as we are essentially locked in our basic dimension. You have no fear in the general course of a day of accidentally slipping into a world where time runs slower or reactions run fast. Imagine a place where you can eat all you want and your body cannot digest the food in time to make nutrients, or for that matter where reactions are so fast that your skin oxidizes in the time it takes you to realize that you shouldn’t be there.  It would logically also mean that anyone who found a way to to do so on their own might not make it back thus correcting the error that led them to the place. The rules that control a dimension will be different.  If it was close and stable it would correct back into stable reality.

Much like increasing your energy will correct you into whichever time is cleaner and easier. Adjusting your time and energy will allow you to join a different level and  you will be corrected to it.  You are not travelling to another world, nor are you creating another reality you are just moving to something that exists as an artifact of creation. Worlds and reality that coexist  with us but we cannot normally react with.  These dimensions are limited  to the amount of variances in time/energy/gravity that came become stabilized. NOT INFINITE.  And they must be stable in nature as well, a reality where chewing gum causes thermonuclear explosions would not be very stable.  Whereas one where radio waves were toxic to indigenous life could be plausible.  Gravity waves may be shorter or longer, same for Time and Energy

Again, I state Gravity, Energy, and Time are the natural forces of reality, changes to them  can and will manipulate each of the others in a self correcting manner.  Gravity and Magnetism are different forces on the same spectrum in this regards. Everything else is kinetic which is a happy byproduct of reality.

Whichever is closer to 50% plus  will be the dimensional state that you will be corrected to.

Gravity and Magnetism utilized

Gravity and magnetism are expression waves of the same force.  Different spectrum. If you manipulate gravity energy to a higher level and expressed energy as  well,  where they intersect on an expanding  axis is where you re-balance in time.

The self correcting model requires conservation of energy  and since it is easier to travel forward in time, (or backward)from the original point in time where the excess energy was introduced, then it will do so rather than fall back to normal statutory time.

There is an imperfect model from the natural world, And we can thank the James Webb Telescope.  They have observed a star that entered into a black hole come back out several years later.  This is not to be confused with the newly emerging stars that formed in the tidal detritus of competing black holes that have been observed as well.  What I am talking about is the so-called spaghetti star.  Stellar matter that is being ejected and observed at this very moment.

In reality the stellar matter that entered the black hole should be either compressed and become heavier elements or torn apart into its constituent protons.  What has happened is neither.  This material is coming back out, albeit in fragmented form. It has disappeared then reappeared in time and space. I posit that the reason it seems to be the same is that it has found a window of imperfect natural time travel.  

Much like pulsars generating radio waves in a pattern, or cosmic rays making static, or in our physical world nature crating perfect cubes or circles, the natural world shows it’s inherent secret order and instructions.   All the requirements for time travel exist in the black hole, energy, gravity time. It’s the infinite moneys banging away the the right frequency and energy that produce the narrow band of possibility.  The star that gave itself to the black hole, was just the right size, at the right time in the black hole’s development, and entered into the right position to travel.   The accidentally perfect circumstances has illustrated dimensional skip in my humble opinion.

What I would like to do would be to study the makeup and composition of the remnants and compare the before and after.  Spectral analysis should be able to show how much change occurred.  It would be fascinating to be able to check the radionuclides, to see if the matter is older, younger, or been essentially paused in age.  How much change?  Who knows? the matter could be aged liked it was normal as of three  years ago,  it could be a million years older.

Using Natural  as a Model

The problem with using the naturally occurring warped time field is the problem of scale and containment.  It does one no good to master a talent if you simply bring about the destruction of yourself, and the next few dozen solar systems. Not to mention going to  the natural field to study is slightly costly and unrealistic in this day and age.

However, if we make a safer educated guess as to the nature of what is  happening we can mimic in a lab the same forces at scale.  Much like the Sun is a giant nuclear furnace, very unapproachable, but a flashlight is not only portable it is practical.

Going off of  standard refraction of light waves that bend in a temperature inversion I propose that Time waves are naturally warped through the process when energy and gravity are polar opposition to each other. This lensing effect can be brought about by bringing together an energized absolute zero superconductor and a very hot gravitational mass. I conclude this  from well, a sun being the hot gravitational mass, and the black hole (an insulator in that nothing escapes) being a very cold near the periphery very energetically charged super capacitor. Not quite , because its energy is both discharging and recharging  at the same time.

Using a high rate of spin super heated mercury can be brought near an energized near zero superconductor and the distortion field that forms between them should be a safe scalable worm hole of sorts. Using figure 1, we can imagine the linear usage of being able to manipulate time in one exact place. I propose that in the natural model (the spaghetti star) that the jump or skip occurs in a an instant and that  the actual matter is not changed. Both ends of the so-called wormhole are essentially the exact time frame of reference, and it is instantaneous.

Now in Figure 2, and 3 we place the stationary superconductor in the middle  of the artificial gravity field generator and the result should be a nice toroidal field that separates itself from the  standard time  wave.  The uses for this for transportation, engines, research can be revolutionary.

This can be manipulated through  polarity changes and through energy applied.

Using fast decay particles you can test with a split beam through the distortion field.  

Talking about entanglement

Since we know that matter and energy is neither created nor destroyed, just changed in state, how does this relate to time?

When you naturally progress through time you and all your assorted biomass of atoms just continues on a normal if varied trajectory of time.  If you travel in time you are still subject to the laws of nature, however you have shorted the time function.  What is instantaneous for your atoms may be eons to the normalized and corrected natural ones.  This is not a problem, you are simply reabsorbed into reality at the point that you reenter.  Going forward you are simply removed and re-inserted, going backward you atomically already exist so energy requirements would naturally be higher, but still possible as long as energy inputted is higher than the natural energy to stabilize.  

This puts forward an interesting theory involving Quantum entanglement.  Now we know that some things are naturally entangled, can we use this to create entangled products?

Technically two objects that are the same but separated by time are still affected by the same outside forces.  Can we use this for production or transference of energy?

Imagine a thermopile quantum connected to a generator but one side is essentially dropped into the sun.  Quantum excited electrons not only transfer the energy but would be much safer than generators here on earth.  

We would be able to become a stage 2 civilization without killing life as we know it in our solar system.  For  that matter we could co-opt a star in a different solar system altogether.

In the age of understanding evolving from the self correcting universe model using the electrical conductor wiring system that we use today is more akin to mechanical energy from a windmill than real advances.

Predicting stable dimensions on our reality wave.

I predict that we can accurately predict and potentially manipulate ourselves into safe and stable concurrent dimensions.

To do so you must allow for an equilibrium of sorts.  Naturally time is the most stable force to manipulate for stable dimensional development and equal parts thereafter of gravity and energy required for more stabilization, but not absolutely necessary.  Within reason you can have higher or lower gravity. Not too much or too little as then you get a reality that is essentially an existential dense nuclear furnace or a cold entropic plane where nothing can coalesce into a coherent system.  The same reasoning for energy.

The stability I predict comes at base fractions and it was only after I realized that  they follow prime numbers.  Going much beyond the 5th level even using time as a factor appears to give results that are essentially useless as time would either flow so fast as to be instant or so slow as to be non existent in its passing, therefore unstable or so stable that it is  essentially inert. In each case all wave form expressed would correct out of the dimension into what I think of as cosmic static. Neither useful nor attainable to us.

Visual representation of attainable dimensions.

We know that other dimensions not only exist but are observable, like a furnace pipe hidden behind a wall.  The section of wall looks no different than another, yet we can feel at times the heat as it passes through to another room. or with instruments we can detect that an anomaly is hidden via magnetics or even conductivity readings.  

These methods are anecdotal to so called dark matter of the universe, which we can quantify and guess at its existence but understanding of its actual purpose and source is a question  of speculation or fantasy for most.

I predict that latent so-called dark matter is bleed through of of expressed gravity and energy from parallel dimensions.

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